
Llanthony Prior, Bunkhouse Trip, Wales, 16-20th September 2024
After a few last-minute cancellations only 11 members in the end made the trip.    Shame, as the weather during the week was good to almost fabulous, and only spoiled on our homeward journey when we got caught in a torrential rain storm on the A34 (in England!, not Wales).   Here follows is a travel log in the form of an ode kindly provided by Al H.

Bunkhouse 2024
9.30 Monday morning, saw 9 of us on our way,
Destination LLanthony, where on lanes
We were going to play.
Coffee break at ScotneyServices, Tony joined the group,
Then onward led by a knowledgable Dave
Who knew a super route.
..Toby carvery had a midday meal,
Then onward to Monmouth, having ate our fill.
A coffee break in ………?…… , on now the final leg,
Arriving at the Bunkhouse, our feet came off the pegs.
For some a quick trip up the Gospel Pass,
Then bunkhouse warmth and time to raise a glass!
Tuesday morning Peter and Don did us proud,
An exquisite English breakfast, that drew a full house crowd!!
Then led by Tall Roger, a tour of the valleys and highs,
Joined now by Don and John, two more biker boys.
A top box was serviced, a Wetherspoons found,
Then back on to lanes, up to higher ground!
Back down to base, concarni ,cards and a glass,
Discussions and memories of a high mountain pass.
Wednesday dawned and a misty but fine day
And after some culinary delights, led again by Tall Roger
We were on our way, the Usk reservoir, then to the Owls Nest,
Coffee ,tea and cakes, some of their best!
Then cunning route ,not previously explored
 A very grand but testing tour
Back to the bunkhouse, and the CURIOUS CASE of the missing keys???
At the time of writing still one of life’s great mysteries!!
A night run  for some ,fish and chips bought, then eaten in a pub,
The landlord supplying vinegar ,forks and salt!
The dark lanes back were challenging but fun,
And soon drinks and a card game was begun!
Thursday morning was chilly, a good reason for porridge and scrambled eggs,
Both expertly cooked, then up the Gospel Pass ,on to lanes not previously looked,
Wild horses ,wild sheep ,as downward we plunged on tracks very steep
Hay on wye skirted as upwards we rode ,with some new gravelly roads  ,we flirted.
Pub lunch in Rowlystone , then on to a ruin Abbey!
Back again to base, bikes stabled and dry, then a walk to the Half Moon pub,
With a full moon in the sky
Various Pizzas and toasties consumed, a few swift pints, then back to the bunkhouse,
Card games resumed!
Friday morn, too soon and up pretty smart, breakfast eaten then pack and depart,
Led by Dave, a non motorway route, stop for tea and cake ,kindly bought by the millionair
In our group!! Despite a thunder and lighting downpour, a pretty good ride home,
Thanks must be given to all who made possible this 2024 Bunkhouse roam !!!

On the point of the top box, the ‘repair’ award therefore goes to BobJ. for almost losing (and then repairing) his top box, and the ‘initiative and planning’ award goes to JohnS. for actually having some plastic ties in his bag…which actually snapped after only a couple of miles  …but nevertheless its the thought counts.   Well done John.  The ‘whoopsie-daisy’ award goes to TonyH who dropped his bike on a petrol forecourt because of a wet leaf (or something) whilst manoeuvring to a pump.   No major damage, just a scratched exhaust and embarrassment.  The ‘entertainment’ award definitely goes to ‘Mr Mystical’ (aka AlH of the ode) who seemingly brought his entire box of magic & illusion tricks and for also establishing a playing card syndicate but, alas, his magic skills failed to find RogerL’s lost ignition key.  The ‘bad boy’ award however goes to MickR. for scrumping apples from the orchard of a rather beautiful 13c Dove Abbey by climbing onto a picnic table, and he definitely gets no award whatsoever for his blue beard apparently as a result of using the wrong dye which, coincidentally, we noticed a number of sheep seemingly wearing the exact same colour markings.   Hmmm.

We all definitely look forward to next year.

Ace Cafe Brighton Burn-up Sunday 8th September 2024
Not a good day.  Of the 20 or more bikers booked to go, and plus our expectation that we’d have parking problems because of numerous additional deciders on the day, in fact only 8 made it because of the weather.   Rain the night before and showers in the morning and thereafter on and off all afternoon put off of bikers and pedestrians, plus of course event clashing with Goodwood and Laughton.   Even some of the stallholders didn’t turn out.   The numbers of biker coming through was therefore well down on prior years.   The start of the day was also fraught with unbelievable confusion owing to the number of cars parked overnight all along Madeira Drive that were abandoned apparently by drinkers at a local all night club cum drinking hole and it took ages for the sole towing truck to take them all away.   

Boscombe Down Aviation Collection 21st August 2024
Whilst an organised daytime bike run trip to Boscombe Down Aviation Collection inspired by club member JohnH had been planned for the 20th August (which included a specially arranged presentation by now retired Group Captain who was a fast jet test pilot in the 60’s through the 90’s) unfortunately it attracted so little interest it had to be abandoned for lack of numbers.   Nonetheless 8 remained interested and determined.  So a run took place on the following day 21st Aug riding firstly to Loomies Moto Café for breakfast/brunch (as was previously planned) and then onwards to Boscombe Down for visit (alas no presentation, but some of the volunteers kindly spent some considerable time with many of us). 

Unlike most other similar museums where you can only look but not touch, at Boscombe Down both little and much older bigger boys were amazingly freely allowed to climb in and play with the controls of many of the exhibits including the cockpit and pilot’s seat of the remains of a 1942 Avro Lancaster.   And we saw [and heard!] a 50 year-old Hawk fast jet also being fired up on the runway.    A really good day was had by all.   [Photos by TerryM, PatrickF, KeithM, DaveT]


Gosport Classic Show & Family Day 26th August 2024

Two vans containing the first bikes, gazebos, catering equipment and four unwilling victims departed the club house around seven ish of the A.M. variety.   The idea was to play follow the leader (rather than use satnav).  An hour later after an uneventful journey the first van arrived, but alas some twenty ish minutes later eventually the 2nd van arrived.   There followed an amount of unpacking, erecting of gazebos etc  and with our much appreciated culinary operative sorting the breakfast rolls and tea while the remainder finished off setting up…….apart from two members who just parked their posteriors and consumed their own flask of coffee.  

The day passed quickly with a fair few questions answered with much interest shown in the displayed bikes.  Our own very common tayta (aka meaning in proper English commentator GeoffB) played his part with a knowledgeable commentary as our members circulated around the arena.  Well done again to Mr TrevorT for keeping us well fed and watered throughout the day and thanks also the logistics coordinator, Mr DonT, who nearly lost his cordless club hammer.  Thanks also to all those who turned up supporting the event and providing plenty of banter.  And finally, special congratulations to member JohnS for taking (yet again, yawn) the best in show award [see big grinning photo].  [Report by SteveS. Photos by SteveS and also AlH]


SBMOC Open Day 20th July 2024
A ride in and ride out anytime meet-and-greet event for members and other club and bikers irrespective of age, model or mark….. which applies also to the bikes as well.   Scorching hot the day before and fortunately cooler on the day.  TrevorD on the grill generating burgers, bacon and sausage rolls.  Well done again Trevor and his support team.  A good turnout of members, but lots of non-members also.   Good auto-jumble stands.     Difficult to keep a tab of just how many bikes actually came through ride-in ride-out but estimate is 60-65 bikes on the day.   Simultaneous cricket match was a bit of a worry, but fortunately no-one got a 6.   

Parham Steam Rally 13th – 14th July 2024

15 + members displayed their fine machines at this years very enjoyable Parham Steam Rally.  We had Triumph and BSA twins and singles, Royal Enfield, Velocette, Panther, Cyclemaster, Raleigh, Honda, Yamaha, Matchless + others. The club stand was in line with the Bantam boys and the AJS/Matchless club so a fair gathering of bikes ensured good spectator interest.  At 12:00 a good number of bikes were called to the arena for a demonstration ride with expert commentary by our own Norman Collier impressionist (Geoff Baker) with his faulty microphone.   Bantam rider Pete Busson was somehow persuaded to speak into the screwdriver that Geoff was holding instead of the mic !
An altogether good weekend unspoiled by the short sharp shower that caught some of us out. Otherwise it was mostly warm and sunny.    [Photos and report by PeterB and SteveS]


Trip to France 27th June 24

7 club members travelled across country to catch the Eurotunnel train to France and then the short ride to Granspette holiday park where the accomodation was two 6 berth chalets. Daily ride outs were to the Blockhaus V2 site, Ypres, Menin Gate and the enormous gun and museum at the Musee de Mur de l’Atlantique. Tony had a little trouble with the pattern lock washer on his Ducati’s gearbox sprocket but this was fixed with genuine parts from a dealer near Bruges. An enjoyable short holiday with some good home (chalet) cooked grub. [Photos and report by Peter Baker]


The Distinguished Gentlemans Ride 19th May 2024
[Photos by PeterB]

Kempton Park 11th May 2024
6 members made the trip to the London Classic Bike Show and were caught in the M25 foul up, four bikes on display plus the Cadbury Whispa. A very good day, big jumble with some surprisingly good prices but only one other club member spotted in the crowds and another visiting the stand. Thanks to John Stubbs for the loan of his ( very heavy) A 65 special. [Photo and report by TrevorD]


Amberley Motorcycle Show 6th May 2024
Photos by MickP


South of England Show Ardingly 24th March 2024
The 1st show of the season for the SBMOC to attend.   The weather was bright, dry and fresh and the car and bike parks were full and the number of trader stands was well up as well.    But  disappointingly only four, repeat only 4,  SBMOC members registered and fortunately one brought 2 bikes in his own van.       Julie Diplock was also a bit miffed as she had reserved a prime space for a lot more bikes for SBMOC and she is unlikely to be so receptive and supportive in future.      The 5 bikes however attracted a fair bit of attention, questions and lamp swinging stories.    Two former SBMOC members also visited and threatened to rejoin and will no doubt do so following reinstatement of the club’s web site to be able to print off the membership application form.      A certain other SBMOC member on another stand (who we will not embarrass by naming him here) turned up in club colours over his ‘other’ club’s shirt, so lost points on both sides for that infringement.  Only a handful of other SBMOC members otherwise stopped by for a chat and rest their poor old legs who had come on moderns or in a car with one of them consuming a massive cake that he didn’t share.      But good to see those who made it.

South of England Show, Ardingly.  29th October 2023
A wet and miserable day had by all.  But nonetheless there were breaks in the rain and the event was still well attended in footfall and by traders…except perhaps by SBMOC members.  3 bikes only on display from SBMOC.  Well done ChrisW, JohnS and SteveS.   4 other members had stalls in the big shed and maybe another 6 more members coming by car.    A good turnout by the Bantam boys, Norton and the AMOC guys as usual (who asked what had happened to SBMOC) and a rather loud and nice line-up of Vincents as promised by Julie.   This writer ended the day by breaking down on the A24 on the home run.  Oh what pleasures to have with an old classic …but at least I had a toolbox on board and the kind assistance of a chap in a 4 wheeler who blocked the inner lane so I wouldn’t get hit by the cars screaming past doing 70 mph.  Hey ho.

Wales 2023:   11 – 15th September 2023

We left the clubhouse, not too many, 14 bound for Abergaveny.  A carvery stop, along the way, fuelled us up for our foray.   Monmouth reached, we hadn’t lost any, now in search of bunkhouse at Llanthony!    Bunks selected, up and down, we unpacked our various eiderdowns.    Some unselfish people went shopping for provisions.  Tall RogerL and AlH went off on a mission, the sign said road ahead closed, but it was ignored and they followed their nose.   Gospel pass, way up high on the mounts, the road and views stunning, I’m happy to recount!    Back down in the dark, care was a need, a tractor heading our way and we could not proceed.   Eventually back to the bunkhouse we rode, the shoppers returned with a bountiful load.  Treats to suit all, whatever your tipple, soon the talking was loud, the feelings convivial, off to our bunks, ear plugs in, eagerly awaiting the new day to begin.    Piping hot shower, full English to match, Michelin stars, on our chefs!     A ride organised and onto the lanes, Share the Ride bikers café, old bikes to view, little bit damp so we all took a pew.   

Coffee and cake and back into the hills, narrow Welsh lanes provided the thrills, thanks given to the leaders of the pack, we had a good tour and led safely back.    An excellent meal provided for all, empty plates wiped clean as I recall, stories and tales, memories recounted, then once again our bunks were mounted.   After our fry-up a group ride of discovery, to the Owls Nest tea rooms, at Llandovery!  Here we split as a group, 4 went off to do the Llandovery North Loop, into the Cumbrian mountains, on a roller coaster ride, the Devil’s Staircase ridden, both ways, with pride, back to the bunkhouse and chili con carne and rice, very welcome and nice, into our bunks, some slept better after what they had drunk!     Up in the AM, the group split, some rode to a train ride, near an old pit!   Others exploring, roads around Brecon, reservoir at Talybont on Usk, got wet up high but dry on the lower tracks.  Out for a group meal at the Skirrid Mountain Inn, reportedly people were hung within.  We briefly considered it but just got on with the meal, back to bunkhouse , warm from a log fire, the back of the van not too dire!   An early start breakfast served, bags loaded, down the lanes we swerved, on to a road that began with an M.   Homeward bound once again!    Thanks to ALL who went, and made it such a pleasurable event. [Report by AlanH.  Photos from MickR]


3rd September 2023 Brighton Burn-up

The weather was fantastic and so too also were Trevor’s mighty bacon, egg, burger and onion baps.   We had 19 bikes on the stand, plus a few ‘guests’ wanting somewhere to safely park up for the day and who, just might, join the club.   Asking around   peoples’ estimates varied but 25,000 bikes seemed to be the common guess but very difficult to tell since the Brighton Council mucked up Madeira Drive and also outlawed the parking of bikes on the t0p of the cliff.  Bit of a hiccup also at the start whereupon the first to arrive and set up encountered a load of cars overnight parking in areas designated for event stands and which led to a lot of mayhem and confusion.  Nonetheless a good day had by all.


28th August 2023.  Gosport Family Fun Day & Classic Show, Stokes Bay, Gosport

A good day had by all.  Weather was good.  All the bikes and bikers behaved themselves, except for DaveT’s A10 which coughed and spluttered all the way.      Lots of stalls and classics and many of the exhibitors including SBMOC were invited to do a turn around the arena and our thanks to GeoffB for being the MC and giving a briefing on the machines as they went around.  Thanks also to TrevorD for providing us all with non-dietary bacon roll with burger, with mushrooms, with onions if wanted and topped with fried egg.   The sort of foods we are not permitted to eat under normal circumstances in the home…for most of us.    Big MickP is not in that category!


Ardingly South of England Show 30th July 2023

12 members signed up for the SBMOC mini-club stand and display for this event in the main Jubilee exhibition hall (i.e. no gazebo, just banners).    Weather was reasonably good on the day.  Sellers are still not back to pre-Covid numbers as most events are experiencing but footfall was good and improves each time.  So keep up the good work Julie!     Just the one photo unfortunately on this occasion showing either a couple of attendees admiring SteveS’s machine, or, was the guy on the right wondering what the @&*§ it is.   


Surprise newsworthy visit on Club Night 14th August 2023

A warm welcome was given last night to visiting members of the Talisman Scooter Club who braved the threat of rain.     7 in fact and all on period Lambrettas.   Embarrassingly, only 3 SBMOC members had turned out on motorcycles!   

The SBMOC Open Day 22nd July 2023

A very good turnout of club members and many new faces too.  TrevorD kept very busy with making bacon rolls with Julie Dulake serving tea, coffee and cakes.    It was a good day until the weather changed for the worst.    Don’t know if the weather forecast put them off but neither Alfs in Worthing or CMW Motorcycles in Chichester didn’t turn out as they said they would.   [Report by Peter Baker].   Once upon a time true bikers would turn out in any weather!   


Amberley Motorcycle Show 28th May 2023

[Event report by Steve Smith].    Sunshine on a bank holiday was a bit of a surprise.  Almost unnerving in fact.   We counted approx. 100 bikes of varying makes and ages on the day which unfortunately was a fair bit down on the numbers of pre-covid attendees to this show.    Nonetheless, a good turn out on our club stand and thanks to all those who did and also to those who helped set up the stand.   Special thanks to Jeff Swann for transporting the club equipment.

Kempton Park Classic Bike Show & Auto-jumble 13th May 2023
[Event Report by Steve Smith].   An early departure from Cost de Littlehampton ensured we had a traffic free trip up to Kempton and our two separate groups arrived within minutes of each other.     Our stand was up and fully manned within only a short time in the main hall by our usual crew of mainly grey haired, half deaf, half asleep despondent but like-minded good mates.    We had a varied selection of bikes on stand which attracted quite a number of interested visitors, and many questions about both our club and our bikes.     All in all a very pleasant day, except for the return journey involving the M25.

South of England Ardingly Show & Jumble 26th March 2023.  A wet and windy day which unfortunately affected both footfall and traders.   But enjoyable nonetheless once those who rode to the event had dried out.

Talmag Pre-65 Trophy Trial, 29th January

A cold, damp but well attended event this year with 200+ machines slipping, sliding and also unfortunately some tumbling around the course.   Some of our very own SBMOC members were marshalling per usual, and many more were there as spectators.   

South of England Show & Auto Jumble 30th October 2022

It was a wet and mucky start to the day for all those who rode to the event.   It cleared up later and the sun began to shine, but the footfall and exhibitor numbers were down and not unexpectedly some traders also stayed at home.   But SBMOC had a very good day with members, Alan Atkins and Andy Remnant, picking up rosettes for their shiny immaculate machines.  Well done lads.    Photos below, including a photo of an empty space which was reserved for member PeteB and who has therefore been given the ‘wasn’t there didn’t turn up no show award’.  



ACE Cafe Brighton Burn-up 4th September 2022
A blazing hot day on Brighton Madeira Drive under the (still to be repaired) arches.  The council has again modified the layout of the drive and this year no stand was allowed to be on the seaward side.  10 members were on the stand plus a few guests, who were likely more interested in finding somewhere safe and secure to park their bikes for the day.   TrevorD our club chef again did us proud on the grill.   No awards so no prizes at this event.  Initial estimates were maybe 15,000 bikes attending or passing through which is down considerably from a few years ago with 2016 apparently holds the record of 44,000 on the day.  


Gosport Vehicle Rally & Family Day 29th August 2022
A grinning MikeD has done it again.   This is only the 2nd year SBMOC has officially attended this event as a club and it is certainly year-on-year getting bigger.  The largest contingent as usual were the classic and unusual cars but there must have been also a 3-fold increase this year in motorcycles of all ages.    Catering per usual was well provided by TrevorD with his grill which was much appreciated.    Each motorcycle club was invited to ride around the arena several times during the day and our thanks to our very own GeoffB for his commentary on the address system.   It was a grand slam so far as the motorcycle judging was concerned with (again) a grinning MikeD picking up a 3rd for his 1934 BSA Slopper (ridden to the event), TrevorD 2nd for his Triumph (but was camera shy) and a 1st by big MickP on his Triumph (ridden to the event).    BobB as usual tried to embarrass us all by bringing his (cannot remember the make) bicycle with engine thingy.    Well done lads.

MikeD wins a red rosette 
SBMOC member MikeD won a red rosette 1st place for his lovely 1934 BSA Sloper at the South of England Show at Ardingly on Sunday 31st July.  The event was very well attended, so things are definitely looking up but I still couldn’t find the things on my list, only the things I didn’t think I needed until I saw them.     The footfall was so high that some of the food vendors actually ran out of supplies.   3 of the auto jumble stalls were SBMOC members.    Weather held out.  A few drops of rain.  Here’s a photo of the winning bike and the grinning owner.  Well done Mike!


Old Fossils Run Report 17th July 2022
Three members (JohnS, IanL  and RogerL) ignored the threats of heatstroke to attend this run organised by the Waterlooville Club. It turned out to be a really nice day with a well signposted route around the Butser Hill area and with close to 200 bikes taking part.    And to cap it all JohnS won a trophy [see photo] for his shiny yellow 1965 limited edition BSA Lightening Rocket.   They didn’t notice the unpolished Solvol on the chain guard and I didn’t tell them.   Of course they took the big trophy back and instead left John with a nice tankard having probably correctly decided that he might not be trusted to return the trophy in time for next years’ event.    Anyway, put this one in your diary for next year, its well worth it.   Well done John. [Report by IanL and photo from big PhilK]


SBMOC ‘Open Day’ 16th July 2022

This must have been the hottest and sunniest day of this and many a year.   The domestic and culinary technician (TrevorD) and transportation and logistics coordinator (DonT) arrived well before 0800 followed by others to assist with the thankless task of setting up.    A good turn out on the day by both members and non-members.  Counting was problematical as this was a ride-in and ride-out affair, but guesstimates are to the order of at least 100 riding-in bikers with a few coming by car.    Big thanks (again) to Cord-on-Chef TrevorD who slaved away all day over a hot stove and to his equally hard working tea boy DonT in providing bacon baps, burgers, bangers and toasties and refreshments.    An array of previously loved equipment and treasured garage possessions was available on a number of stalls with most if not all proceeds going to charities.    

Lots of looking at bikes, talking about bikes, eating and generally having a good time.   Additional entertainment was provided by the local cricket team match…and there were no breakages.  We were also joined by Studio 3 an events photographic company who took 000’s of photos and we will provide further details on this soon.    Our thanks to all who helped setting up and then  packing away, and especially to our committee members who work behind the scenes in their own time to make these events possible, and of course the members who make it such a success.   [Photos and report by SteveS & MickP]

Sussex Steam Rally, Parham.  9-10th July 2022

It was a good start on the Friday, sunshine, blue skies, dry grass, firm ground and no mud.    The advance party / construction crew arrived bright and early to set up base camp / the hospitality facility.   Over the next few hours others arrived.  A quick relocation of the support vehicles to the camping ground certainly built up an appetite and thirst for the evening meal.  The beer tent had a good selection of beverages available.   The theme for the evening was Hawaiian, and yes, some members joined in minus the grass skirts.

Saturday was a 9am start.  The collection of bikes attending had spread out with a wide range of models, people watching, banter, observational skills and passing steam vehicles ensured the day passed quickly.  GeoffB provided the commentary both Saturday and Sunday for the motorcycles circling around the arena.  Sunday, it was a 10am kick off.   The aroma of bacon cooking drifted across the assembled members who followed the smell to the galley.  The rest of the day passed quickly answering questions and enquiries from the inquisitive public.

A big thank you must go to the members who stayed and helped to take down the gazebos and pack up all the equipment. Once everything was cleared away it was a matter of joining the exit queue following tractions engines and long queues could be seen heading towards Storrington, and heading toward Pulborough encountered two more.   A special mention and thanks must go to TrevorD who toiled over a hot griddle over the weekend under a blazing sun, and providing superbly cooked bacon rolls, burgers etc.   Likewise a special mention for Don’t who provided transport, keping the urn topped up, providing a fridge powered by an acquired sola panel and together with TrevorD put in a lot of work behind the scenes.  [Report and photos by SteveS and MickP)

Drive Through Bognor 3rd July 2022

A dozen or so club members turned up for the event…the inclusive bacon rolls and teas went down well.  A very varied range of vintage, classic and modern vehicles were on display. The weather stayed dry.  A cool breeze at times caused some to add an extra layer.. a few welcome periods of sun were very welcome. A passing group of Harleys cruised in for a brief visit then departed on mass.  Most members spent their time people watching..exchanging banter…chewing the cud and generally having a pleasant time.  [Report and photos by SteveS and MickP]

Amberley Motorcycle Show 8th May 2022

SBMOC as usual had a full club stand and static display of 15 members’ bikes of all colours, ages and creed and also a few ‘friendlies’ from other clubs who wanted to join us………or more likely they just wanted somewhere safe to store their leathers and helmets.    Weather was really good.   There were 115 bikes listed in the programme.  There were a few no-shows of course, but these were likely fully compensated by a number of late entries and a few sneaky bikes.    But the show is not just about bikes.  Amongst the displays and exhibitions which we hope everyone took time out to enjoy you may have seen the guys actually crafting proper and true English long bows using the exact same traditional methods of manufacture as used a thousand years ago and also from a piece of ash wood sourced locally.   [click photos to enlarge]

Normandy, France 2022 4th -10th June

9 members were in Normandy for the 2022 D-Day anniversary (DaveT, MickP, JohnS, ChrisH, JimT, GaryS, KeithM, TerryM and former member JohnB).   Weather generally good throughout with just the odd shower.  Stayed in shared self-contained (3-per chalet) on a huge holiday camp site in St Aubin Sur Mer about 20 km along the coast from Ouistreham, Caen.  During the week we covered all the landing beaches and just about every museum and battle site there is…….. too numerous to mention.   Fresh baked daily baguette and croissants and the odd BBQ on site but otherwise ate out at local brasseries.   All on modern machines and had no breakdowns, but then this was not a high mileage trip just a battle site tour. 


Kempton Park Classic Motorcycle Show & auto jumble 7th May 2022

SBMOC had a stand and a 5 bike static display at the show in the main exhibition hall and our very own member, TrevorD, picked up the ‘Best in Show Cafe Racer’ award.   Well done Trevor!  Weather was overcast and fortunately held off.   A few other members were seen picking their way through the auto junk and stocking up on things not necessarily on their ‘must have’ list until they saw it.   Footfall on the day has not yet returned to pre-covid levels and a number of regular stallholders are still missing.

South of England Show 27 March 2022

SBMOC had a club stand and a 7 bike static display at this event in Ardingly, Sussex.   Congratulation to club member Andy Remnant for getting a red rosette 1st for Best in Show, and another red rosette for 1st Best Foreign for his Honda CB450 Black Bomber, and also club member Dick Faggetter for picking up a blue rosette for his similarly immaculate Greeves trials. 


SBMOC Open Day 2021

A good turnout on the day overall and especially the numbers of visiting bikers from other clubs. Hot and cold food, teas and coffee were available all day and of course so too was the cheap bar.



Remembrance Day 2019

A fine sunny and dry day for this annual event and whilst overall numbers were down there was without doubt a substantial attendance by Club members. Not the usual crisp organisation but everyone appeared to use the occasion for the purpose the gathering is held.



18 of us made it to the Gatwick Aviation Museum on Friday despite the somewhat inclement weather and dampness and I think we all thought it worth the effort We were given a tour by three very knowledgeable ex. Aviators and this included a visit to the “office” of the Shackelton which we all found a tight fit but none the less fascinating .

Rounded the day off with lunch in the Lamb Pub in Lambs Green . – John Grew


Peter Baker attaches some photo of todays Distinguished Gentlemans Ride which Geoff and Peter took part in. This is a charity event for the benefit of Mens Health, principally prostate cancer and mental care.

The event started (in the rain) at Shoreham Airport at 9.30am and 116 riders followed the A259 to Litllehampton for a stop at the “rusty sheet metal” cafe on east beach. We then continued (in the rain) on the 259 to Bognor for a 1/2 hour stop near Butlins, The final leg was to the north car park in Chichester where prizes were given (in the rain) for the rider who raised the most amount of money and also for the furthest travelled to the event.

Although a world wide event the West Sussex riders raised over £41000.00. 

Geoff definitely looks the part.
A very nice Nimbus.
Cunningly disguised Kwacker.


As for last year Secretary Keith organised our pitch and ensured that we had enough space and avoided encroachment from other less organised individuals. We had good support from the Club and were joined by colleagues from Mid Sussex and West Sussex BSA Owners Clubs giving us a really good spread of machines and as a result an unprecedented level of public interest. Several requests for Membership Forms and not one but two authors keen to tap into our membership base to promote their books.  


Our second year at this event which had a slightly different focus this year as the title suggests and although we were made welcome our presence in the arena was not required due to the proximity of the horses. We had a good turnout on both days with the usual eclectic mix of machines which reflected on the strength of the Club although it would be really good to see a few new faces. The weather proved to be on our side with the exception of an early morning downpour on Sunday where all of us escaped with the exception of Gary who arrived a little later thoroughly soaked. We were able to provide our own entertainment with a variety of experts endeavouring to start Bob’s newly acquired Bantam and they eventually succeeded. The wet ground did prevent the heavy steam engines from being moved to the arena on Sunday which resulted in a request from the organisers for the bikes to parade but the rutted surface following the horse driven vehicles and slippery grass held no appeal so the request was declined.

As ever the pictures courtesy of Steve Smith.


This popular two day event had to compete with other events over the weekend and that may have e reduced the members of the public attending. However the weather was good and there were enough Cars, Bikes, Tractors, Engines (Fire, Steam, & Stationary), buses and many other mechanical marvels to enjoy. The Wall of Death never seems to lose its appeal with capacity audiences at each show, a myriad of stalls showing or selling all manner of goods and if the heat became too much there was always the bar

WHEELS & WINGS (or Wings & Wheels if your not Bob)

This is to be the very last show due it is believed to the land being earmarked for building in the near future, so with Don in France with others Bob took on the role of organiser. With twenty bikes on the Saturday and eight on the Sunday the Club was well represented and Bob in his role produced bacon roles and hot drinks to keep every one happy. The gazebo and flags were much in evidence and there was considerable interest in the collection of machines on show. Both days saw a full flying programme with the exception just of the Lancaster so all enjoyed value for money a great improvement over last year’s curtailed programme.


To attend this show it is necessary to get up at ‘stupid o’clock’ to get to Kempton to enable the Club stand to be prepared before the public are let loose.

This year our exhibitors were Steve, Trevor and Bob and they gave us a brilliant rand of bikes the variety of which outweighed those on any other stand.

Our newly acquired pop up posters and backboard were appreciated and the hardest part was stopping folk from coming around the table to see if they could find a picture of themselves. Lots of appreciative comments and for Trevor the Best Cafe Racer award in the show………..even Bob found a friend!


A gloriously sunny day for the first of the Amberley events although a little chilly for the early erection team assisting Don in preparing our display.

The Club turnout was OK and with a few of our BSA colleagues machines mixed in we had the best of the Club sites with the new pop up banners looking very impressive. (thanks Trevor). 

It was difficult to gauge the size of the turnout as it was better than last year but not so good as the year before. However feedback from members of the public indicated a very crowded car park so perhaps the organisers were happy. No breakfasts available in the restaurant didn’t go down too well and the breakfast baps were nothing to write home about.

The Club however played its’ part by supporting this local event.